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Come sit and relax by the lake, maybe catch a fish or two?

To start fishing

Step 1
You must first acquire a pole, this can be done through the mission 'getting a pole' which you then will need to craft from the blueprint or by buying one from someone else

Step 2
Equip you pole and go to the "Automated starting point for wanna be anglers."
Hand over 1 Bronze ticket for 1 attempt

Step 3
Head to the water and wait, (make sure to also pick up the mission for Daily fishing)

This is a chance mission so sometimes you will catch a fish, sometimes other items that have fallen in the lake, sometimes a ticket and sometimes nothing.


Trawler Crawler
Catch of the Day
Daily Fishing
Getting a Pole


Trawler Crawler
Hand in 1 Bronze ticket
NOTE: Make sure your is pole equip when you hand in the ticket
Head to the water and wait (can take a few minutes)
There are several start points but they do the same thing

Catch of the Day
Hand over your fish

Daily Fishing
Get 50 successful fish catches

Getting a Pole
Regular Pole (Hand over 7 Gold Tickets)
Custom Pole (Hand over 7 Gold Tickets)


Trawler Crawler
Chance at one of these outcomes
*Annoying Swim Shady
*Common James Pond
*Less Common Tuna Turner
*Elusive Sharkira
*NI Carnival Ticket Bronze
*Island Wellies (F,C)
*Island Wellies (M,C)
*Bowtie (M)
*Tropical Bra (F)

Catch of the Day
Choice of options
100 Annoying Swim Shadys options
(5 Clicks)
*Loyalist Wall Mount Blueprint (L)
*Resa Wall Mount Blueprint (L)
*N.E.O. Wall Mount Blueprint (L)
*Stel Wall Mount Blueprint (L)
*Haruspex Wall Mount Blueprint (L)
*Very Dry Cleaned Piglet Plushie Blueprint (L)

50 James Pond Options
*Phony Tempest Pill

200 James Pond Options
*7 Gold Tickets

100 Less Common Tuna Turner Options
*0.4 ped Medical Therapy skill (need lvl 50 paramedic)
*0.4 ped Resource Gathering Skill
*15 clicks of Time Travel Crystal BP

50 Elusive Sharkira
*2 Hours Critical Hit Damage Increase Modifier by 10% (Starts when chosen, dying will remove it)
*2 Hours 100% Skillgain Modifier (Starts when chosen, dying will remove it)
*2 Hours 100kg Increased carry weight and 35% increased movement speed( Starts when chosen)

Daily Fishing

Choice of:
Skinning 0.2 peds
Scavenger 0.2 ped (requires lvl 60 in any looter prof)
Butchering 0.2 ped (requires lvl 30 in animal looter prof)

Getting a Pole

Bamboo Fishing Pole Blueprint (L) 0.05 ped (5 Clicks)
Bamboo Fishing Pole (C) Blueprint (L) 0.05 ped (5 Clicks)

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