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NEW Missions

Here you will find the newest missions added with the latest VU, this is only a stop-gap so I can get you the information as quickly as possible allowing me time to create a section for them. When the next lot of mission are added I will update and provide links to where you can find the last lot of missions 

Vu upate

Important Notice

Miranda Violet Blueprint (L) and Kylon Blue Blueprint (L) have been taken away from the Bp book [NI Tailoring/Textiles]


You will still be able to click any clicks you had in the book!​


You will be able to loot Kylon blue and Miranda Violet on NI still so don't worry.

Carnival Island

/wp [Next Island, 132138, 84848, 129, Rudolphina]


NOTE: Do Not Auto Craft, it will not count for this mission


Part 1

Cost: 5 Gold Tickets


[NI Xmas Lights Texture]


Part 2

Craft 100 attempts of [NI Xmas Lights Texture]


5/10/15 [Holiday Cookie] (everyone/islander/true born)

[Gingerbread Toy Bumpercar ]

[Wrapped Present Pink Blueprint]


Part 3

Craft 100 Attempts of [Wrapped Present Pink Blueprint]​


[Halo (F/M)]
[Drake Wings Sacred (F/M)]
[NI Xmas Deer Texture]
[NI Xmas Neon Texture]
[NI Xmas Snowglobe Texture]


©2023 by NI Helper. This site is Officially Supported by Next Island LLC.

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